Kidney | Things 2 know | Healthy lifestyle


Kidney is a pair of excretory organ.

Color: Reddish brown

Urinary system - Kidney, Ureter, Bladder 


Male - 150 gms

Female - 135 gms

Long - 11 cm, Wide - 6 cm, Thick - 3 cm.

* Right kidney is lower than left kidney because of liver

* Kidney removes waste products and excess of water and salts from the blood and maintain its pH

                                                    Blood pH level (7.35-7.45)

Functions of kidney

* Excretion

* Secretion

* Regulation

* Metabolism 


kidney excretes waste products (Urea, Uric acid) via urine


It secretes variety of hormones like Erythropoietin, Calcitriol, Renin
  • Erythropoietin hormone - For blood
  • Calcitriol hormone - For Vitamin D
  • Renin hormone - For Blood pressure (BP)

                            Normal Blood Pressure- 120/80 mm Hg


  • Acid-base homeostasis- Maintain blood pH level (7.35-7.45)
  • Osmoregulation- Maintains blood pressure, extracellular fluid
Convert energy (Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and other nutrients) from food 


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